About Me

I’m based in📍CLE, Ohio.
I’m into developing Discord-based bots, websites, and integrations.
I love dogs and capybaras.
My hobbies typically include photography, reading light novels, chess, and going to the gym.


  • Programming Languages
    • Javascript
    • Python
    • CPP
    • C#(In progress)
  • Frameworks
    • React.Js
    • Express.Js
    • Next.Js
  • Deployment
    • NGINX
    • PM2/Docker
    • Shell scripting .sh
  • Other
    • Vensim(Modelling system dynamics)
    • R(& Tidyverse)


Python based Discord bot that focuses mainly on Anime card collection and cross-platform feeds.
With shiro you can keep track of your favourite anime news, game discounts, and random life hacks from time to time.

Shiro top.gg widget

Invite her


I played a bunch of games when I was in undergrad, like Valorant, World of Warcraft, and other story mode games.
My peak was Diamond 2 in Valorant.

valorant stats